8 Racers

8 racers. 8 disparate campaigns. 8 unique stories. All priv8teers.

21 Jul , 2015  

Priv8teer will select up to 8 racing campaigns to represent the privateer racers throughout the motorsport universe.  Each racing team/driver/rider selected will be featured and promoted by Priv8teer individually, as well as  collectively building a fan base for a hand-picked team of up and coming speed demons.   Race fans around the globe will be able to sit up and take notice.  The resulting amplified voice and higher profile images of  8 priv8teers broadcasting a more singular and focused message will broaden the audience to engage with higher energy and greater frequency than individually possible.  8 times the impact.  Priv8teers will create a groundswell of support that will bring to the forefront this new team of racers.   Watch for Priv8teers.  There’s no stopping ‘em.

So keep it here.  Take note of the Priv8teers at select events throughout the season.  It is your assurance that the driver/rider is an up and coming star – hell bent on beating the odds as well as the competition.

There may be thousands of privateer racers.  But there are only 8 priv8teers.


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